Monday, December 14, 2009

Discussion Questions December 21-December 25

Each student is required to submit one post per week. Check back here during the assigned week to answer your question. There will be various questions for you to answer; you will only be required to answer ONE question to receive credit. Each post should follow the guidelines below to receive credit:

1. Each post should be a minimum of 1 paragraph (6-8 sentences).

2. Each post should be typed on a Word Document first to insure there are no simple spelling or grammatical errors.

3. Each post should end with YOUR NAME and PERIOD written at the bottom of your post.

4. Answers to the discussion question this week are due by 5:00PM on December 25, 2009


Mr. Soto said...

Choose only 1 question:

1. Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent?

2. Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.

3. Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.

4. How is the setting a part of the people’s ways of seeing and thinking?

5. Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values?

Anonymous said...

Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values?
Juana feels it is not good to want a thing to much because sometimes you can loose it. This teaches you to value life more than you do now. This reveals that Juana is very faithful and in a way superstitious. This keeps Juana an inspiration to believe and not give up. Juana values everything very carefully and takes the most of it. People that live out in ranches or in the country show more care and unison for themselves and their family. In comparison to the doctor or the rich people, Juana and her people value life because they know the necessity of wanting something. They are comfortable with what they have. When they need something, they try not to be too selfish and eager.

Tania Soto
Period 6

cierradaly said...

Juana's reaction is much calmer than Kino's. She calmly prays and tries her best not to make much movement to disturb the scorpion. Kino's reaction is very different compared to Juana's. He clenches his teeth and once the scorpion has stung the baby, his emotions get the best of him and he kills the animal. I would say that their reactions differ emotionally and physically, Juana being calmer and Kino getting angry quickly. Juana doesn't get upset first, but instead goes to the baby and takes quick action, while Kino focuses on getting angry first unlike Juana.

Cierra Daly
Period 5

HayleeBennett said...

Describe the doctor’s reactions to Kino’s request. In this chapter Kino has to ask the doctor for help in order to save Coyotito. Kino knows that the doctor doesn’t care for his people, so he probably feels like their journey is pointless. When the family arrives, the doctor makes comments that prove Kino’s thoughts true. For example, the doctor asks if Kino has money. He wants to know this because he feels that he is too high in authority to help the “little Indians”. Then, when Kino shows how he has old and useless pearls as a payment, the doctor sends his assistant to tell Kino that he is out. This shows that the doctor might’ve helped the family if they had enough money to pay for the treatment. The doctor clearly thinks he is better than the Indians and he thinks that they do not deserve the help of a high person like himself. The doctor also feels that he has better things to do than to help the Indians.

Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

AlexWu said...

Kino and Juana’s reaction toward the scorpion were completely different. Kino was anxious before the scorpion stung Coyotito and after. Before he was just breathing hard and moving very slowly towards the scorpion until it actually stung Coyotito, and after he just got even angrier, by grabbing the scorpion and crushing it. Juana’s reaction was calm both before and after. She didn’t make any movements towards the scorpion she was calm and after the scorpion had stung Coyotito, she moved towards the baby, instead of focusing on the scorpion. I think there reactions are completely different.

Alex Wu
Period 5

yueshiaxiong said...

I think that Kino’s and Juana’s reactions were slow and calm when they first see the scorpion climbing down into Coyotito’s crib. Kino’s has a fast reaction moving over to his son, to get rid of the scorpion. While Juana’s, is singing ancient magic to guard against such evil. Also, Kino’s movements are slow, smooth, and quiet. While his wife constantly chants on the songs to protect their son, against the evil song. Kino is also worried or startled, but releases his breathe to become less worried.

Yueshia Xiong

yueshiaxiong said...

The songs that Kino hears in his mind are songs written from his ancestors of great song makers. For example the “Family Song”, is about his family and everyone in it what they do daily. This is because his person has always written songs about what they see, hear, and think. Another example is the song of the “Undersea”, when he goes diving with his wife sings the song. This is song is sang for the divers to get lucky enough to find a decent size pearl or just a pearl. All in all these songs were written to help, influence or entertain the people.

Yueshia Xiong

AlfonsoSanchez said...

Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values? Juana feels like it’s not good to want something too much because if you want it too much, it won’t come true. Juana was afraid of not finding a pearl if she wanted it too much. This comes to show that poor people such as Juana and Kino are superstitious and believe that bad luck can come from wanting something too much. This probably came to be since they rarely find any rare items such as pearls. This also shows that the poor people don’t like to raise their hopes up when they really want something because if it doesn’t come true, then they will become disappointed and sad. The poor people in the story value whatever might bring them wealth which may include valuables such as pearls.

Alfonso Sanchez
Period 5

raeanolivares said...

Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.
Kino's reaction was more useful to Coyotito, because Juana sat and prayed. Kino went forward and actually tried to get the scorpion away. If they both would've stood back and prayed, Coyotito probably would have got stung more than once. Juana was more calm if anything. She didn't move, just prayed. While Kino didn't second guess, took action, and tried to get the scorpion away.


иıcк уaиg said...

Question # 2 - 2. Compare Kino's and Juana's reactions to the scorpion.

When Juana had seen the scorpion she like immediately started to chant an ancient magic that is supposed to ward off evil. I am guessing that she got really surprised and scared because she was afraid her first born was about to be stung by a scorpion. Kino was calm and collected and slowly sneaked up on the scorpion. He was about to grab it and then it fell onto Coyotito's shoulder and stung him. When Coyotito had been stung Kino was furious and went berserk on the scorpion. His calmness and collected reaction had all gone down the drain. He had smooshed the scorpion into the earth so much that all that remained of it was but a spot of wet sand.

иıcк yaиg
-Per 6

MikilaLawless said...

The doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request to see him was very selfish, extremely rude, and heartless. It seems like doctor is the type of person that only wants to be involved with people who can get him ahead in life. I know for a fact that he is selfish and most likely racist against Native Americans, because I feel that he speaks very negatively about Native Americans. For example, when he said that he has ”..Nothing better to do then cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’?” I feel that he might not even care if they are living, which might explain the reason he didn’t help Kino’s son. He also seemed very greedy when he asked the man if they had money.

Mikila Lawless
Period 1

15_kiki_51 said...

Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion? I believe that Kino’s reaction in the beginning was much like Juana’s when they saw the scorpion, terrified. Both were fearful for the baby’s, Coyotito, safety. Juana began repeating an ancient magic to guard from evil. Kino released his breathe to relax himself as he moved swiftly and carefully toward the baby. Kino must have known that action had to be taken for the baby’s safety. That simple chanting wouldn’t be enough to secure the safety of the baby. He heard the dangerous melody of the scorpion as he crept closer and closer. He smoothly and cautiously moved with speed toward the scorpion. All his concentration focused on the scorpion.

Selena Espinoza
Per. 6

oh, charlie said...

Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent?

The songs that Kino hears in his head represent what was happening at the moment or what Kino's mood happened to be. One example of this is when Kino is laying in his bed next to his wife Juana, then Juana stands up and moves toward their baby. During that event Kino hears the song of the family, which shows the bond or connection they are having at the moment. When there is a scorpion in Coyotitos box the song in Kino's head quickly changes to the song of evil. Something I also noticed is that when Kino was killing the scorpion the song became somehow more intense. This is another example of how the songs represent the events occurring at the moment and the mood that is present.

Carla Cardona
Period 5

AshleyChristensen said...

Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request. The doctor, who is selfish and corrupt is angry that “[he] alone in the world [is] supposed to work for nothing…” and does not wish to treat the baby for what he calls, “an insect bite.” This shows his corrupt view of the world and his selfish point of view.

Ashley Chistensen
Period 1

JoseSalcedo said...

Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.

Kino’s and Juana’s reactions are very different. Kino was very shocked and tried to kill the scorpion before it got to Coyoytito. Juana was also very shocked but tried to be very calm and started to say old ancient words that were supposed to make evil things go away. I think that Kino’s reaction is the most logic one. If there is a scorpion near you the first thing you would do is try to make it go away. That is what Kino did but he was a bit late. Juana trusted her beliefs but sadly it didn’t work.

Jose Salcedo
Period 6

NikkiVillarreal said...

Juana says that she doesn’t want something too much because she it will probably work the least to her advantage. I think that the people of this time believe more in the good and bad luck of the things of the world. Juana probably believes that if she fulfills her needs and wants in her head the God or gods won’t actually make them happen for her. This reveals that the people of the world in those days reflected their lives more on the overlook of life and how everything happens because of something else. Karma is another example is this explanation. Karma is defined as “what goes around comes around”. The way Juana is thinking in these chapters is taken back to the modern definition of Karma.

Nikki Villarreal
Period 1

robbiegrayness said...

I think that the doctor reaction to help Coyotito is not nice. He talks about Kino and his races as if they are not equal, that they are like animals. I think the doctor is very self-centered also, he dose not want to help people without money because he is greedy. Over all I don’t think the doctor is a good person with good moral values.

Robbie Gray
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent? Kino hears different songs for different reasons. The first song that Kino hears is the Song of Family. This song represents the objects around him, the things that he loves most. This song also means that his family will always be with him. The second song that is introduced is the music of the Enemy. This song is heard when the scorpion is above the baby, Coyotito .Kino senses an evil presence when the scorpion is in their home. The third song was the Song of the Pearl That Might Be. Kino hears this song when he dives for the special oyster that possibly could have the pearl. Kino hears these songs when he is thinking of the moment in time with his family or when his baby is in danger, even when he is searching for things. These songs help Kino when he is happy, sad, or when he needs it most.
Kenna Sandberg
Period 1

ItzelMiranda said...

The doctor's reaction towards Kino's request is deficient in consideration for the Indians and truly immature. He hides from the people whom he thinks is not worthy enough to receive his medical help. The doctor should have the consideration to at least stop and think of the agony this poor child is in and help him. Does it really matter how much money he received? He should have helped Coyotito without expecting anything in return or at least take the pearls as payment. It's a heart warming feeling knowing you've saved someone's life in act of kindness. The doctor is too full of himself simply because he has all the luxuries he wants. Kino knows the doctor does not care for his people, but he is willing to do anything to save his child even if he has to ask the selfish doctor for help.

Itzel Miranda :)
Period One

hannahlorenzen said...

3. Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.

In my opinion, I believe the doctors reaction to Kino's request is quite rude. If your a doctor, you should be willing to help someone without getting paid. A doctor should possess the trait of caring, which he defiantly did not. He sits in his office dreaming of his days in Paris. He didn't even consider what Kino had to offer, he flat out shut the gate in Kino's face. I think the Doctor should have to experience not having money, and a family member poisoned from a scorpion bite, with no one to get help from.

Hannah Lorenzen
Period: 1

abby_wash said...

“Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.” The doctor was angry towards Kino’s request. It shows that he is because he refers to them as Indian people. The book also says that the doctor’s race was also always making Kino’s people feel weak. So when the doctor asked if they had money to pay they said, “No, they never have any money. I, I alone in the world am I supposed to work for nothing…” He in that one sentence shows anger towards them.
Abby Wash

ElexisPadron:) said...

1. Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent?

Kino hears a song in everything. They are either songs of good things or songs of evil things; there is no in between. He hears these songs because his people had been great song makers long ago and the songs remain within him. The songs are just reflections of how everything works together in harmony. I feel they symbolize Kino's perception of the world and his surroundings. I also think it is a big reflection of the culture and beliefs of his people.

Elexis Padron (:
Period 1

A said...

When Kino and Juana travel to the doctor’s house to try and get medical help for Coyotito’s scorpion bite, the doctor is not willing to see them. The servant of the doctor opens the door and asks Kino if he has any money. Kino pulls out more than enough pearls to pay for a simple scorpion bite, but the doctor refuses to see them still. This shows that the doctor does not care about the native people unless they have enough money to make it worth his time. The doctor refuses to see poor patients because he is greedy.
Colby Hashimoto
Period 1

JosieTsan said...

Kino and Juana’s reactions toward the scorpion were slightly different due to the fact that Juana is the Coyotito’s mom and so she has a closer bond to Coyotito then Kino. Juana was more active and quick about getting help versus Kino’s actions. This might be so because the baby is Juana’s first child and she is more worried and careful. During the time the scorpion was moving towards the baby Kino was harsh and impatient but Juana was more forgiving and ready to take action if the baby was bitten. After the Coyotito was bit, Juana and Kino went to the doctor’s, Juana showed a very demanding attitude about getting help but, Kino actions made me believe that he was frightened and worried about going to unknown territory. As a result, Kino and Juana’s reactions were different because their relationship with the baby.

Josie Tsan
P: 5

BethanyCreed said...

Describe the doctor's reaction to Kino's request. Well when the servant told the doctor about Kino's request. The doctor became angry and said,"Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor not a veterinary." I believe this statement shows that he has no feelings for the native people. He is not the same race as them. So I think he feels superior. When he talks about them, he addresses them like they are animals, he shows no respect for them at all.

Bethany Creed


I thought that the doctor's reaction to the request from Kino was both shocked and amused because Kino demanded that the doctor see his son, however the doctor was selfish and greedy, and did not accept this because Kino was not rich. And then he went to go tend other business and left Kino in the dust. And I think the doctor was amused because Kino was a native, and he treated the native people very wrongly, and he made Kino and the family sound like animals when he said that he was not a vet and didn't have time for the kid's insect bite. The doctor is a cruel man and he did not care if Kino's boy died or not.

Dana Johnson
Period 1

AlexaKarkula said...

The doctor's reaction to Kino's request for his son's treatment was shocked and angry. This is because the doctor feels he is so much better than most people because of what he does. He believes that he should not have to treat people who cannot pay him the correct amount for his hard work. He even mentioned that Kino and his people are animals because they ask for his treatments without paying him his salary. He even responded to the animal accusation by telling his worker that he is not a veterinary and will do no such help for Kino for his dirty pearl. The doctor then demands his worker to tell Kino and his family that he was away on more important buisness when sure enough he was sitting in bed. This shows that the doctor has no respect for the lower class.

Alexa Karkula
Period 6

John Rich said...

Discussion Question
Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent? Kino hears songs when he is doing his every day activities. When his wife is preparing breakfast, the sounds the fire, the ocean, and other things combine to make “The Song of the Family”. Keno hears the music in life. It’s all around us but, barely any people are humble enough to hear it. Keno hears it because he is humble and isn’t caught up in the less important things in life. Years of being poor have made him a more down to earth person. The songs he hears represent the fact that he is observant. They also represent that he isn’t a bad person.
John Rich
Period 6

DanielAcampora said...

Describe the doctor's reaction towards Kino's request. The doctor's reactions is very mean. The doctor only treats patients who can pay for their appointment. No matter if someone is dying or has a serious illness, he still doesn't help. The doctor apparently has no feelings for anyone. I think it is very mean that the doctor treats everyone like dogs and not even like human beings. The doctor should try to act more kind to other people and respect other peoples cultures.

DanielAcampora said...

Describe the doctor's reaction towards Kino's request. The doctor's reactions is very mean. The doctor only treats patients who can pay for their appointment. No matter if someone is dying or has a serious illness, he still doesn't help. The doctor apparently has no feelings for anyone. I think it is very mean that the doctor treats everyone like dogs and not even like human beings. The doctor should try to act more kind to other people and respect other peoples cultures.

Daniel Acampora
Period: 5

DanielAcampora said...

Describe the doctor's reaction towards Kino's request. The doctor's reactions is very mean. The doctor only treats patients who can pay for their appointment. No matter if someone is dying or has a serious illness, he still doesn't help. The doctor apparently has no feelings for anyone. I think it is very mean that the doctor treats everyone like dogs and not even like human beings. The doctor should try to act more kind to other people and respect other peoples cultures.

Daniel Acampora
Period: 5

eligiomorin said...

The docters reaction to Kino's request was very selfish and mean. He was being selfish because he didn't really care about the hurt baby, and just wanted money for his treatment. His job was to care for people when they needed help and he was not to charge anything for curing them. He was being mean because he wouldn't even help the baby eventhough it could die. The doctor told his servant to ask Kino if he had any money for treatment and wouldn't accept Kino's small pearls. Lastly he was mean by telling Kino and Juana that he had just recived another important call, meaning that he had someone else to take care of.

Eligio Morin
Period 6

hlicanna said...

2. Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.

Both parents are obviously scared to death of what will happen to their son if the scorpion strikes him. They both are afraid to move, they don’t want to agitate the scorpion and give it a motive to sting Coyotito. But there are a couple differences between the two. Juana’s reaction to the scorpion is immediately to pray, to beg that the scorpion won’t hurt him. But Kino is more about action. He didn’t want to just stand there and pray, helplessly hoping that Coyotito wouldn’t get stung. He wants to do something that would stop the scorpion while Juana is more to praying and willing that it wouldn’t sting Coyotito.
Anna Cirimele
Period 5

tannerknavel said...

Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.
In the story, The Pearl, the doctor is asked of help from Kino and reacts to his request in such frustration. He feels that he is being disrespected because, both of their races have been treated unkindly through out the years and discriminated against because their differences. And now, because one of them is ill, he is exspected to help them. He also feels insulted because they came to him expecting him to help them without paying for his survices, and is angry that they would even dare assume that he would do it for free. His reaction to Kino’s request is a major deal to the story because it moves the story forward, and onto other situations that couldn’t of happened if the doctor wouldn’t have responded in a negative way. So because the doctor’s negative reaction to his request influenced the following effects of the rest of the story.
Tanner Knavel
Period 6

SamanthaCuevas said...

3. Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.
RE: As I stated in my chapter one reply, the doctor's character is established very early on. He seems to be very selfish and greedy for turning Kino away merely because he has no money. On top of that, I feel he also had biased thoughts about Kino because he states, "Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary." (page 11) He doesn't think of the indians as people, but animals showing just how arrogant and judgemental he is. Then he sends his worker to go and ask for money and when he finds Kino has none, he lies and states he is not there. He refused him without event taking a look, knowing the possibility of the wound being fatal to Coyotito.

Samantha Cuevas
Period 1

andrewmitchell said...

Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.
The doctors reaction to kinos Question was very mean and rude. Kino asks him to help treat his sons scorpion bite, but he refuses. He thinks he is to good to treat what he says is an "insect bite". He also discriminates against them and calls Coyotito a "little indian". I also think it is mean to refuse to help them because they are poor. Kino even offers him all the pearls that he has, and it is still not good enough for him. Thats real messed up not to help a poor helpless baby, then he just leaves, because suposably he has more important cases to tend to. The doctor thinks he is good to help a poor indian family.

Andrew mitchell
Period 6

Sweet Sunshine said...

Describe the doctor's reaction to Kino's request.
In this chapter Kino and his family must venture out into search of medical help. Kino knows that the doctor doesn’t like to help his kind of people because he believes that they are useless and have no money. Once Kino and his family arrived at the doctor's home, they find that Kino's opinion of the doctor was right. We know this because when Kino offers his pearls to the doctor as payment, the doctor sends him away. This shows that the doctor is a rude and selfish man.

Hannah Rose
Period 5

LovedBy_UpAbove said...

Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values?
Juana feels that it is not good to want a thing too much, for many reasons. She may mean that having high expectations may leave someone disappointed when what was expected turns into something much lower in their expectations. If she really wanted to find a pearl, and a large one at that, she would have expectations for that pearl, and when it did not show up she would be sourly disappointed when a little came. If she wanted something just enough, and was optimistic about it, she would be happy with whatever she received, but ecstatic if she received something of larger monetary value. Her values reflected that she was optimistic about whatever would happen, she would be more humble with what she received, and would have been an overall person than one with higher values, who would only accept the very best. She would then have been the complete opposite of the doctor who would not accept the meager and wanted money.

Stacey Mendoza
Period 6

yadirsanchez said...

Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent?
The songs Kino hears in his head are songs of emotion. Everytime he has a very strong emotion, a different song is played in his head. Some songs represent happines and those are the ones that he would play in his head the most at the beginning of the story. Others, represent fear and rage that Kino feels. This is something that I believe helps kino survive. This is because he can express his emotions and calm his emotions through the songs.
Yadir Sanchez

HarmeetShergill said...

2. Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.

Kino’s reaction towards the scorpion was in anger. He acted fast and tried to stop the scorpion before it tried to get closer to his son, Coyotito. He didn’t want anything to happen to his first son and tried to prevent the scorpion from getting to close to Coyotito. Because Juana is Coyotito’s mother, she had a different reaction. I think that she was scared that something bad might happen to her baby, so she prayed that everything would be alright. Because he was her only son, she didn’t want anything to happen to him and then prayed he would be safe.

Harmeet Shergill
Period 5

idkSadqa!! said...

1. Describe the songs Kino hears in his head. What do they represent?
-Kino hears multiple songs in his head.Each song describes a different mood and emotion. It also describes a different situation that is going around Kino and his family. Even though the songs are in Kino's head, they represent something strong. they represent Kino's strong instincts. For example, he hears the Song Of The Family when there is a happy mood in the family.

Sadqa Jammu

GuillermoMarcial said...

The doctors reaction to kinos request was a disgusted reaction. In the book it says how he makes a good living because he has money. When the doctor describes kino and his neighbors he is talking bad about them and how they don't have money whenever he treats them.

Guillermo Marcial
Period 5

Unknown said...

I think Juana feels that is it "not good to want a thing too much" because the more you want something, the more it wont come to you. If you always plan a thing too much, sometimes it wont happen. I think this reveals about a character is that they need to be more patient. They also shouldn't be greedy.

Per. 6

kimberlymaldonado said...

5. Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values?

I think that Juana feels that it is not good to want something too much because sometimes when you really want some thing you can jinx yourself. For example when Kino went to look for the pearl Juana wasn’t really praying and hoping for Coyotitos injury to miraculously heal but for Kino to find a pearl big enough to pay the doctor. Juana is also very superstitious and she prays a lot and I think that, that helped in Kino finding the pearl. I think that this shows that people shouldn’t want something too much because you might just get the opposite.

Kimberly Maldonado
Period 1

GabrielGonzales said...

Why does Juana feel that it is “not good to want a thing too much”? What does this reveal about the people’s values?
I think she feels this way for several reasons. One of those reasons is wanting something to much will drive you crazy until you have it. Another reason is that maybe if the person gets what they want and something else happens after that, they'll have no money to do what they need to do. This shows that the person is materialistic. That this person cares more for luxury items rather than what is necessary for their household. This shows that this person is selfish and greedy. Also, Juana, in my opinion, feels glad that her son is getting better. She is also probably happy that she, her husband, and son are in good health.

Gabriel Gonzales
Period 5

josephpaz said...

Q.3. Describe the doctor's reaction to Kino's request.

A. The doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request was almost as if he was disgusted. The doctor feels that he is way better than the native people of the island, therefore he feels he doesn’t have to help them. He feels that they are animals and they should be able to communicate with him. He doesn’t even except a couple pearls from Kino to help treat his dying baby boy, Coyotito. This shows how ruthless and rude he is. This also shows how people’s thoughts get to themselves.

Joseph Paz
Per. 1

adrianawright said...

2. Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.
Kino and Juana had very differnt reactions. Kino immediately got the scorpion in his hands and furiously threw it down and smashed it up. He was very angry and could hear the "Song of the Enemy". Juana on the other hand, delt with the baby. She quickly found the puncture and sucked out the venom. Kino watched, but couldn't do much and was just "in the way," the book says. Kino's reaction was more anger at the scorpion then helplessness, and Juana's reaction was more take-care-of-business-and-save-my-baby.

joshuamontelongo said...

Compare Kino's and Juana's reactions to the scorpion. Kino and Juana's reactions towards the scorpion were the same and different. Their reactions to the scorpion were the same because they weren't scared at first. They were kind of calm. Then also their reactions to the scorpion were different because Juana was shockingly calm while the scorpion was in sight. Kino was like what the heck do i do. You can tell that he was pretty much scared of the scorpion more than Juana. Those were the reactions of Kino and Juana towards the scorpion.

Josh Montelongo

ryan said...

discussion question ch.1-2.

"Compare Kino's and Juana's reaction to the scorpion": Juana reacted in screaming and fear of her baby. She reacted just as any other mother would. Kino on the other hand reacted by calmly trying to get in between the little baby and the scorpion. Even though he was still afraid of the situation he knew he had to take the responsibility of being the man of the house and try to solve the problem.

amairanirios said...

2. Compare Kino’s and Juana’s reactions to the scorpion.

Well both of them were really scared that the scorpion would bite Coyotito. They knew if they moved it would bite him. So they both stayed vey quite so it wouldnt bite him. Until Kio thought of something but did it very quietly. But even though they did it very quietly it still bit him.

Amairani Rios
Per. 5

amairanirios said...

3. Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.

The doctor did not want to recieve Kino's son Coyotito simply because they were poor and they didnt have any money. He would only serve as a doctor if they had money. To me that is vey greedy of him. He should treat everyone fairly if they have money or not.

Amairani Rios
Per. 5

;)villagomez#14 said...

Question 2
Kino and Juana's reactions to the scorpion sting were very different. Kino, to me, seems like a very quiet person. His reaction was just shock. He didnt act. But Juana, who to me is a strong, independent woman, acted. She right away began to try and suck the poison out of Coyotito to save him. All Kino did was watch.
Steven Villagomez
Period 6

AlfonsoSanchez said...

Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.

When the doctor’s servant told the doctor about Kino’s request, the doctor said that he wasn’t a veterinarian to cure insect bites on little Indians. The doctor also told his servant if Kino had any money and when the servant said no, the doctor got mad and told him that he doesn’t want to work for free. The doctor pretended that he was gone just to not help Kino. His race and Kino’s race have always had conflicts with each other so that might have been a reason for the doctor to not help Kino. The doctor didn’t help Kino even though Kino was willing to give him eight little pearls. The doctor got angry when he heard that Kino’s son had been stung and he also thought of them as being worthless.

Alfonso Sanchez
Period 5

ashtinaubrey said...

“Describe the doctor’s reaction to Kino’s request.”

Kino came to see the doctor for his poor son, Coyotito, and basically the doctor blew him off. He was saying things like, “I’m not a veterinarian to cure insect bites on little Indians.” He was implying that Coyotito wasn’t important enough to treat. Like as if it mattered if he helps a little Indian like that anyways. I was surprised he didn’t spit in Kino’s face or something. Actually, a spit in the face would have been a kinder gesture than what Kino got. Just from this one incident, I can already see that there is racism in this story.

Ashtin Aubrey. (:
Period 5

ryan said...

discussion question ch.1-2.

"Compare Kino's and Juana's reaction to the scorpion": Juana reacted in screaming and fear of her baby. She reacted just as any other mother would. Kino on the other hand reacted by calmly trying to get in between the little baby and the scorpion. Even though he was still afraid of the situation he knew he had to take the responsibility of being the man of the house and try to solve the problem.

Ryan Rhames
per. 5