Monday, December 14, 2009

Questions for Mr. Soto

If at any point you have specific questions about the reading, assignments, or any other class related issue feel free to post your questions here. I will respond to your question as soon as I can.


HayleeBennett said...
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Mr. Soto said...

Haylee & Group-
I will go ahead and reevaluate your group's rubric taking your comments under consideration. Thank you for articulating your points.

Mr. Soto

Anonymous said...

I forgot my name and noticed it right after i posted the commet, what can i do to fix that?

Mr. Soto said...


Simply repost your comment with your name and period at the end. Thanks.

Sweet Sunshine said...

Mr. Soto,

I posted my chapter one comment thing, and I accidentally put that im in Period 2. Should re-post it or something?

Sweet Sunshine said...

P.S. that last comment was fro Hannah Rose
Period 5

andrewmitchell said...

dear mr. soto,
i just want to let you no that i forgot my name and period under my chapter i deleted it and redid it with my name and period number!!!!!!!!!:D

andrew mitchell
period 6

andrewmitchell said...

dear mr soto,
on my chapter one notes, i accidentaly said kino and juana were married...and there not, so i changed it and said they were together and deleted the old comment...just wanted to let you no!
P.S. how is ur vacation

andrewmitchell said...

P.S. the last comment was From Andrew Mitchell.. Period 6

Mr. Soto said...

Hannah and Andrew-

If you simply repost with your name and period that will be acceptable. Merry Christmas.

joshuamontelongo said...

Mr. Soto,

Mr. Soto, i could not complete my general discussion, discussion questions because i was on vacation in colorado and the whether was bad and i hardly get internet. while i was here i tried completing my chapter notes and when i posted it it just went blank because i lost internet. sorry about that.. is there any way that i could have until next friday january 1, 2010. to complete these next assignments or anytime during the week... thank you


GabrielGonzales said...

Mr. Soto,
Are we allowed to post under different general discussion boards because somebody from another period posted on the period five board saying "Period 1 is the best?" I'm just curious.

Gabriel Gonzales
Period 5

Mr. Soto said...


You will be getting half credit for the week 1 responses if you post them after the deadline. If I remember correctly, you did pick up one of the alternate assignment packets. If you want full credit, my suggestion is that you do not post online and simply complete the alternate assignment for full credit. I hope this helps you out.

Mr. Soto

Mr. Soto said...


You are correct. I have resolved this problem.

Mr. Soto

yueshiaxiong said...

Mr.Soto do you know my overall grade for your class.

Yueshia Xiong

HayleeBennett said...

Hey Mr. Soto,
I'm on my ipod again so sorry for any errors.I was just wondering if there was any way of knowing our scores for our finals. If not its all good, but if I did well, then i get some cash!!! oh how i love my parents.:) Alright, well hope your having a good vay-kay!!!
On a funny note, Adriana has it in her head that you "hate" her, so i have decided that she will never be my partner again! I NEED a passing grade. nah, I'm just kidding. :)

Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

Mr. Soto said...

Haylee & Yue Shia-

I am in the process of grading everything. I have a majority of the assignments graded however, I have not updated them online yet. I will do it all at once hopefully by the beginning of next week.

Mr. Soto

HayleeBennett said...

Mr. Soto,

Alright thanks very much. Happy New Year. Hope you didn't party too hard!

Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

HayleeBennett said...

Mr. Soto,

I have one more thing.:) How do you check online? I can't remember.

HayleeBennett said...


Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

GabrielGonzales said...
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GabrielGonzales said...
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GabrielGonzales said...
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GabrielGonzales said...

Mr. Soto,

Is it okay that i used the question that you gave to Robbie Gray for the discussion questions for week 3- January 4th to the 8ht because i won't be able to get on later this week?

P.S: Sorry about all th deleted comments, i kept meesing up the wording. Silly Me!!!!!:)

AlfonsoSanchez said...
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AlfonsoSanchez said...

do we have to answer 2 discussion questions for the last week?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soto for our extra post can we just give our opinion of the whole book?
Where would we post it (notes chapter 5 or 6)?

Mr. Soto said...


No you are only required to answer one question.


Go ahead and leave your overall impression of the book under Chapter 6.

Mr. Soto

AshleyChristensen said...

Mr. Soto,

My internet has been shut off for the past 3 weeks and I missed the deadline last week since my grandparents weren't home and I don't have the password for there computer. This had been unexpected, otherwise I would have taken the alternate assignment packet, but it was shut off two days after winter break started. I know I was late on the discussion question for the week of Dec 28-Jan 1 but I was hoping that I could have at least half credit for the post.

Ashley Christensen
Period 1

AlfonsoSanchez said...

where do we post our extra post?

hannahlorenzen said...
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hannahlorenzen said...

Today I was scaning over the rules paper and i realized that you arent allowed to post in other classes disscusion boards. I am sorry that I wrote in period five's board. I didnt realize my mistake until today. I hope I did not affend anyone. I was just making a funny.
Thank you,
Hannah Lorenzen
Period 1

Mr. Soto said...


All posts that do not meet the deadline will still get half credit so complete all your posts so that you may recover some of your lost points.

Your extra post could be under Discussion Questions if you choose to answer another question. If you would like to add an extra post under one of the chapters that is okay as well.

No problem.

Mr. Soto

ashtinaubrey said...

I'm SO confused. I've been trying to figure this thing out for-like-ever now and I can't. What am i supposed to do in step 4? I'm not quite getting the whole "create a blog page with an address and title" concept. Oh yeah, and I also forgot my user name and email and password so i just made a new one.

Ashtin Webb. (:
Period 5

HayleeBennett said...

Mr. Soto,

I have a question because on the checklist paper it says that the last entries are due the 8th, but then it also says that its due the 9th. Do I still have time to put in my last discussion question entry?

Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

HayleeBennett said...

Mr. Soto,

Also, am I still able to do the extra credit entry? What happened was I saw the date the 9th, then when I was about to go onto the blog this morning, I also saw the date the 8th. What would you like me to do?

Haylee Bennett*
Period 6

ryan said...

1. I had internet problems for the first two weeks, so I was wonderi ng if you could give me full credit for those posts that i was unable to give in time.

2. I didn't write my name and period on any of the posts, how do I repost them.

3. Where do I put the extra credit post.

Ryan Rhames
per. 5